RAH Artikelimport für OXID 6

Der bewährte OXID eShop Artikelimporter ist endlich für die OXID 6 Version verfügbar! Per Composer installierbar, getestet mit der aktuellen Version OXID CE und EE 6.2.1.

Neben den Feldern der Tabelle oxarticles können auch andere Tabellen befüllt werden. Aktuell können Langtext (oxartextends), SEO-Keywords und Description (oxseo), Attribute (oxattribute, oxobject2attribute), Auswahllisten (oxselectlist, oxobject2selectlist), Hersteller und Lieferanten (oxvendor und oxmanufacturers) automatisch angelegt und zugeordnet werden. Es werden auch Auswahllisten neu angelegt, falls noch nicht vorhanden.Weiterhin ist es möglich, die Artikel in eine beliebige Kategorie zu importieren, es können auch automatisch noch nicht vorhandene Kategorien (hierarchisch) angelegt werden!. Ausserdem können aus Bildern, die per FTP  hochgeladen werden automatisch alle relevanten Shop-Bilder generiert werden. Bilder können seit Version 2.3.0 auch von externen URLs heruntergeladen werden. Generell kann der Import beliebig oft wiederholt werden, die bereits vorhandenen Daten werden dann überschrieben/aktualisiert. Der Import kann auch per Cronjob automatisiert werden.

Ideal auch für Shop-Migrationen aus anderen Systemen.

Jetzt für nur 239 EUR zzgl. MwSt. – OXID Agenturrabatt möglich! Einfach eine Email an stefan@rent-a-hero.de senden!

How to call methods of a VueJS app from outside

While working on my VueJs product configurator I faced the challenge to call functions in a VueJs app from „outside“, meaning the VueJs app is e.g. integrated into a PHP shopping application like Oxid eShop, Shopware or Magento and I have to e.g. check the state of the current configuration inside the VueJs app.

In particular, I had to check if the configuration is finished when the „to basket“ button on the detail page of the shop is clicked and of course get the configured product back from the app to add it to the basket.

One way I’ve found to achieve this it to save the VueJs instance into a global window variable like this:

window.confApp = new Vue({
    render(h) {
        return h(App, {
            props: {


This way, you can access it from anywhere on the page and add a script to a Smarty template of the shop e.g.:

$(function() {
    $(‚#toBasket‘).on(‚click‘, function(e) {
        return true;


Now, to find the Vue Component inside the Vue object you can inspect the object in the browser console, it is probably nested in the „$children“ array of the Vue instance:

You can see the functions of the Component in the screenshot, the one we need is the „exportConfiguration“ which can now be called like this:

$(function() {
    $(‚#toBasket‘).on(‚click‘, function(e) {
        // get global configurator VUE instance

        var configurator = window.confApp.$children[0];
        var configuration = configurator.exportConfiguration();
        if (!configuration) {
            return false;
        return true;


Use J. Wilders nginx-proxy in multiple docker-compose projects

There is an awesome project for Docker if you want to run e.g. multiple webserver containers on the same ports on one host machine, say Apache or Nginx on port 80: jwilder/nginx-proxy.

Nginx-Proxy for Docker

You have to expose the port 80 in the Dockerfile as usual, but you don’t explicitly map the port in your docker-compose.yml or when using „docker run …“. Instead, you let the nginx-proxy do the heavy work and forward the requests to the right container. Therefore, you add an environment variable for the proxy:

 VIRTUAL_HOST: myapp.dev.local

so that it knows which request to forward to which container.

If you want to start multiple docker-compose.yml files, you can’t just add the nginx-proxy container to all the docker-compose.yml files though. If you only had one docker-compose project with e.g. multiple webservers on port 80, you could just add one proxy container to your YAML:

    image: jwilder/nginx-proxy
    container_name: nginx-proxy
      - "80:80"
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro

The Problem

But if you have multiple projects, there would be conflicts with this approach since there can only be one container with any given name – and you do only want one nginx-proxy across projects after all! Unfortunately, docker (compose) does not allow existing containers (yet?) and throws an error if you try to start the same container multiple times.

If you want to share the proxy container for different projects, you should also use an external network in your docker-compose.yml files like so (see github.com/jwilder/nginx-proxy/issues/552):

      name: nginx-proxy

Be aware that if you do this, you have to manually create the network before you run „docker-compose up -d“:

docker network create nginx-proxy

The Solution

solution for using the proxy accross projects would be to check for the network and nginx-proxy container before each call to „docker-compose up -d“. One way to do this is with a Makefile, e.g. in your „make start“ or „make up“ commands, you could call a shell script which does those checks for you:

 docker-compose start

 docker-compose up -d

This way, the script would create the required network and/or the proxy container if either of them doesn’t exist yet. So all the running projects / containers can share the global proxy container in the global network.

The Details

So, here is an example docker-compose.yml and also an example bash script (run-proxy.sh):

# script to check if the jwilder proxy container is already running
# and if the ngnix-proxy network exists
# should be called before "docker-compose up -d"

if [ ! "$(docker network ls | grep nginx-proxy)" ]; then
  echo "Creating nginx-proxy network ..."
  docker network create nginx-proxy
  echo "nginx-proxy network exists."

if [ ! "$(docker ps | grep nginx-proxy)" ]; then
    if [ "$(docker ps -aq -f name=nginx-proxy)" ]; then
        # cleanup
        echo "Cleaning Nginx Proxy ..."
        docker rm nginx-proxy
    # run your container in our global network shared by different projects
    echo "Running Nginx Proxy in global nginx-proxy network ..."
    docker run -d --name nginx-proxy -p 80:80 --network=nginx-proxy -v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro jwilder/nginx-proxy
  echo "Nginx Proxy already running."

And, for reference – an example docker-compose.yml:

version: '2'

    image: docker.myregistry.de/docker/php7-apache/image
    container_name: appswdemo
     VIRTUAL_HOST: shopware.dev.local
     DB_HOST: db
     - ./config/config.php:/var/www/html/config.php
     - ./src/pluginslocal:/var/www/html/engine/Shopware/Plugins/Local
     - ./src/plugins:/var/www/html/custom/plugins
     - ./src/customtheme:/var/www/html/themes/customtheme
    - db

  # data only container for persistence
    container_name: dbdataswdemo
    image: mysql:5.6
    entrypoint: /bin/bash
    image: mysql:5.6
    container_name: dbswdemo
        MYSQL_DATABASE: shopware
        MYSQL_USER: shopware
        MYSQL_PASSWORD: shopware
        TERM: xterm
      - dbdata

    image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
      VIRTUAL_HOST: shopwaredb.dev.local
      VIRTUAL_PORT: 8080
      MYSQL_USER: shopware
      MYSQL_PASSWORD: shopware
      - "db:db"

      name: nginx-proxy

As you can see, the web container („shopware“ in this example), which runs Apache and PHP 7 in this case, doesn’t map any explicit ports, it only tells the proxy its URL and „virtual port“, but there is no „ports:“ section in the YML file. Same goes for the „phpmyadmin“ container.

And finally, the relevant parts of the Makefile:

ARGS = $(filter-out $@,$(MAKECMDGOALS))
MAKEFLAGS += --silent
 docker-compose start
 docker-compose up -d
# Argument fix workaround

nginx-proxy would now forward all requests to shopware.dev.local to the PHP / Apache container on port 80 and also shopwaredb.dev.local to the PhpMyAdmin container on Port 8080, and you could start more containers on port 80 and 8080 (PhpMyAdmin) without any port conflicts on your host!